Dalhousie University
Dalhousie's Marine Environmental Modelling Group develops marine ecosystem models with chemical cycles relevant in climate change, including carbon and nitrogen. This group is based in the Oceanography department at Dalhousie, and collaborates with other departments within the university and around the world (Rutger's University, University of Maine and Texas A&M.)
For more information, visit the Marine Environmental Modelling Group webpage.

Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environment and Climate Change Canada is home to an extensive global climate modelling project at the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis located at the University of Victoria. The CCCma strives to understand the complexities of the Earth system climate through modelling past and future climate scenarios. The main goals in modelling are outlined as follows:
- developing computer models of the climate system to simulate global climate, regional climate, and climate change
- attributing observed climate changes to specific causes
- predicting seasonal and longer term climate variations
For more information, visit the CCCma webpage.

McGill University
The Earth System Modelling Group (ESMG) was founded by Lawrence A. Mysak, in the Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences. The ESMG analyzes climate data, completes model comparisons and strives to understand climate variability and change through the development reduced-complexity models.
For more information, visit the Earth System Modelling Group webpage.

University of Toronto
The University of Toronto Centre for Global Change Science has a research area focused on climate models and climate dynamics. This research program applies a wide range of models including multi-box, 1D & 2D atmospheric and ocean, as well as 3D coupled ocean-atmosphere models.
For more information, visit the Centre for Global Change Science webpage.
University of Victoria
The Climate Modelling Group at the University of Victoria developed an Earth System Climate model to analyze past, present and future climate dynamics. This group is highly diverse, with its 3 faculty members, 7 research associates and 14 graduate students from across the world with background in physics, mathematics, engineering, oceanography and geology.
For more information, visit the Climate Modelling Group webpage.

University of Waterloo
The University of Waterloo (Department of Geography) hosts a group for Climate Modelling and Analysis. This climate modelling initiative has current model simulations available at the UW Climate Modelling and Analysis webpage. Models include: NCAR CESM1, GFDL AM2 and GFDL Atmos Dynamical Core. Recent publications include albedo satellite studies, multi-model approaches, IPY, Canadian cryosphere simulations and tropical sea surface temperature models.
For more information, visit the UW Climate Modelling and Analysis webpage.